Lessons in Leadership


From hiring the best, to developing and retaining your talent, read our latest to accelerate you and your team’s leadership potential.
Don’t Fear Failure, Embrace It!

Don’t Fear Failure, Embrace It!

We all fear failing.  I know I do.  Yet, I also know that without failure I remain stagnant and soon become irrelevant to myself and others. So how do I embrace failure and make it my friend? When I make a mistake or fail at something I have done, I evaluate what I...

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A Lesson in Learning to Accept Change

A Lesson in Learning to Accept Change

I, along with my husband, were two of millions recently who's vacation was changed due to the volcanic eruption in Iceland which delayed flights for days in Europe. In our case we had been enjoying a lovely cruise and two days before finishing up in Venice, we heard...

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Stop beating yourself up! Recognize your successes

Stop beating yourself up! Recognize your successes

Recently, I have had several executive coaching conversations with business leaders who have complained that they weren’t accomplishing enough.  One leader felt as if she would never get through her “to do” list. But as the conversation progressed she was able to list...

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What are the Secrets to Effective Leadership?

What are the Secrets to Effective Leadership?

In a Financial Times article by Stefan Stern, Mr. Stern offers the conclusions of a study by Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones. In “Leaders Must Live Up to Their Promises,” he writes, “Mr. Goffee and Mr. Jones concluded – after speaking to followers, i.e., lower-ranking...

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Beth Armknecht Miller’s passion for learning and dedication to bringing out the best in others are strands woven throughout her career and are found in her work with Executive Velocity, a top talent and leadership development advisory firm.