Can Your Business Live Without You?

Can Your Business Live Without You?

Can you take a vacation without a laptop or tablet? If you answered no to this question then you might be facing one or two of the following scenarios: You believe that your role is to make all the important decisions and solve the all significant problems. And you...
Succession Planning Roadblocks

Succession Planning Roadblocks

As of late 2020 baby boomers own over 2 million businesses employing more than 25 million people in the United States. Many will be retiring or selling their businesses in the next few years and for some of these business owners the transaction will be a success....
Get Results Using This One Competency

Get Results Using This One Competency

In a recent Forbes article, Vitaly Alexandrov sites three leadership traits that drive results for leaders. While these traits are important for leaders to have, I have found many leaders to be lacking in at least one other critical competency, coaching. In fact the...