Learning to coach a team as a manager involves a combination of developing coaching skills, building relationships with team members, and providing effective feedback. Here are some steps a manager can take to learn to coach their team: 

Understand the coaching process: Learn the basics of coaching, including setting goals, asking open-ended questions, active listening, and providing feedback. Consider taking a coaching course or attending a coaching workshop to learn more about coaching techniques. 

Build relationships with team members: Get to know each team member individually and understand their unique strengths and development needs. Schedule regular one-on-one meetings to discuss their progress, goals, and challenges. Identify coaching opportunities: Look for opportunities to coach team members, such as when they are struggling with a task, need guidance on a project, or could benefit from skills development. 

Practice active listening: Listen carefully to team members and ask open-ended questions to encourage them to think through problems and find their own solutions. Avoid giving advice or making assumptions. 

Provide constructive feedback: Provide feedback that is specific, timely, and focused on behavior rather than personality. Be sure to balance positive feedback with constructive feedback and focus on improvement rather than criticism. 

Follow up: Set goals with team members and follow up regularly to check on their progress. Celebrate successes and work together to overcome obstacles. 

Continue learning: Keep learning and practicing coaching techniques to improve your coaching skills over time. Attend training workshops, read coaching books, and seek feedback from your team members. 

Remember that coaching is a process, and it takes time and practice to develop effective coaching skills. Be patient and persistent and focus on building strong relationships with your team members to help them reach their full potential. 

Check out Executive Velocity’s Coaching Tools on our Resources Page.