Supercharge Collaboration with Team Trust

Supercharge Collaboration with Team Trust

In today’s competitive environment, companies who can adapt quickly to external changes are the ones who will win. So, it’s imperative to have teams who can effectively collaborate and generate creative ideas to respond to these changes. Yet many teams fall short....
Building your resilience by practicing gratitude

Building your resilience by practicing gratitude

When COVID first hit the US back in March 2020, many of the leaders and business owners I was working with were struggling to make sense of it all. And one of the things I helped them to focus on was self-care: the practice of taking care of themselves first in order...
The Annual Leadership Wrap-up

The Annual Leadership Wrap-up

As we wind down a very challenging year, I’m reminded of an annual ritual my Vistage members would complete to prepare them and their companies for the new year. While we may not want to reflect on the past year of 2020, being able to recognize both the successes and...
Self-Reflect to Grow as a Leader

Self-Reflect to Grow as a Leader

I have always promoted self-reflection to the executives I’ve had the privilege to coach. In fact, journaling is integral to the learning process during the coaching process. “What worked? What didn’t work? Who have I impacted?” are some good questions to start with...