21st Century Performance Reviews

21st Century Performance Reviews

You know you hate them and so do your employees! Yet instead of figuring out what can be done to make performance reviews a positive experience for both you and your employee, you ignore the problem. Many small companies don’t even do performance reviews. But if you...
The Title Inflation Trap

The Title Inflation Trap

My work over the years has been with both large and small companies. And one of the problems that smaller companies often have is giving an employee a title bigger than their actual responsibilities.Just recently I was having a discussion with the president of an...
Where is the Beef in Talent Management?

Where is the Beef in Talent Management?

So you think you and your company are great at developing and managing your employees? Really? So where’s the proof? I have had the opportunity over the past several months to interview some really smart and successful executives and business owners for a talent...
How to Have Fun in the Workplace AND Get Things Done

How to Have Fun in the Workplace AND Get Things Done

Last month I wrote about Silly Putty, so I thought I would follow on with fun in the workplace. It isn’t impossible. And leaders need to understand that not only can work be fun, it isn’t a “bad” word.“I never did a day’s work in my life. It was all fun.” Thomas...