The Weakest Link Effect on Teams

The Weakest Link Effect on Teams

The weakest link on your team effects the performance of the entire team.  More often than not, my leadership coaching involves developing leaders to effectively address performance issues. And, the performance issue, weakest link, often has not been addressed in a...
Leveraging Traditionalists on Your Team

Leveraging Traditionalists on Your Team

In today’s workforce, you may have some Traditionalists within your multi-generational workforce. While the Traditionalist generation has passed retirement age, many still remain working; some do so for financial reasons, and others because they love to work. But in a...
Employee Engagement, Start with Best Practices

Employee Engagement, Start with Best Practices

The degree to which employees are engaged with their work at your company has a significant impact on how successful your company can be, and how much potential for growth it has. Over the years, I have found that companies truly committed to making their company a...
The Power of Peer Reviews

The Power of Peer Reviews

I have written a lot about teams and ways to effectively lead a team.  And the best teams I have ever worked with are those that are self-sustaining.  Meaning they need little to no outside leadership to keep running.  So how is this possible? One way is using Peer...