Put on your own mask firstMany of us have been experiencing stress during this global health crisis. As leaders we have made drastic changes to our routines and communications. And for many, we worry about how we can lead our business through this pandemic.

Lately I’ve had many coaching conversations with leaders so focused on their employees that they’ve ignored their own physical and emotional needs. It is admirable that these leaders want to ensure their team members are supported during this pandemic crisis. But as a leader, supporting employees shouldn’t come at the risk of your own health and welfare. As a leader, you need to put on your own oxygen mask first before helping your employees.

When you are stressed, you aren’t an effective leader. This article from Mercer covers four (4) steps you should take to care for yourself first.

  1. Recognize the warning signs of stress
  2. Rest and Recover
  3. Reflect and Reorient
  4. Rebuild a more resilient you

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