Lessons in Leadership


From hiring the best, to developing and retaining your talent, read our latest to accelerate you and your team’s leadership potential.
Stop Treating Your Employees like Mushrooms

Stop Treating Your Employees like Mushrooms

Originally published in Entrepreneur.com, April 22, 2016   Update   You’ve probably heard the expression “feeling like a mushroom,” which is to say feeling kept in the dark, left uninformed and fed a bunch of sh--. Think shiitake mushrooms. Now, research...

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Leaders Moving from Surviving to Thriving Post Pandemic

Leaders Moving from Surviving to Thriving Post Pandemic

As our country starts to move toward “recovery” leaders need to shift their attention to the future and what recovery will look like in our new world. Most of my coaching conversations recently have been about the future, which is promising. Leaders have shifted their...

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The Power of Good Questions

The Power of Good Questions

A recent article by Jeff Haden in Inc Magazine, highlights the importance of asking questions to help build stronger relationships between leaders and their employees. Haden focuses on the weak question that many of us use both in our personal and professional lives;...

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Leadership Lessons During COVID

Leadership Lessons During COVID

Over the last several weeks most of my coaching conversations have focused on leadership issues related to the current pandemic. Fortunately, many of the companies I work with have not had to lay any employees off, and a number of them are in a financial position to...

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Your Emotional Intelligence Is Your Kryptonite

Your Emotional Intelligence Is Your Kryptonite

Leaders around the world have been working in a new normal, trying to assist their employees with a variety of challenges that no one could have imagined at the beginning of 2020. Most leaders have gotten to their positions using both their IQ and EQ, Emotional...

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Leading through a Crisis

Leading through a Crisis

Last month, David Demarest, retired VP of Public Affairs for Stanford University, spoke out on leadership during a crisis. There have been many similar articles written since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, yet this one is probably the best that I have read to...

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Beth Armknecht Miller’s passion for learning and dedication to bringing out the best in others are strands woven throughout her career and are found in her work with Executive Velocity, a top talent and leadership development advisory firm.