Lessons in Leadership


From hiring the best, to developing and retaining your talent, read our latest to accelerate you and your team’s leadership potential.
New to Leadership? You Need These 4 Tips To Succeed!

New to Leadership? You Need These 4 Tips To Succeed!

It’s the opportunity you’ve been working towards. You’ve exceeded performance goals, collaborated seamlessly with colleagues and surpassed your boss’ expectations. Now, you’ve been given a promotion. It means a chance to have greater control over your work and take a...

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The Benefits of the Johari Window Model

The Benefits of the Johari Window Model

Developed in 1955 by researchers Joseph Lust and Harrison Ingham, the Johari window is a psychological assessment tool designed to be used in a group setting for the purpose of identifying how individuals in a group perceive one another. The tool is used to answer the...

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The Leadership Feedback Loop

The Leadership Feedback Loop

The term feedback loop has been around for years and it has been helping organizations around the world to develop their leadership style. However, I believe that it is a tool that has been greatly overlooked and something that many leaders could benefit from. When it...

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Communication De-Railers and How to Get Back on Track

Communication De-Railers and How to Get Back on Track

Have you recently misread your audience or failed to engage your team during a meeting? Have you experienced blank stares, silence, apathy and disinterest? There are times when leaders fail to inspire their employees, and the risk to the organization is a loss of...

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Balancing Performance Feedback with Praise and Recognition

Balancing Performance Feedback with Praise and Recognition

I recently had the opportunity to present to the Atlanta SHRM conference on managing the multi-generational workforce. The audience was at capacity and the attendees were actively participating. Overall many great ideas were exchange amongst the participants.When I...

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Musical Chairs: An Effective Method of Talent Development

Musical Chairs: An Effective Method of Talent Development

Job rotation: is it a viable means of change and development in your company? When it comes to benefiting your company, having many employees cross-trained in several different areas allows you to keep operations smoothly running despite unexpected events such as...

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Beth Armknecht Miller’s passion for learning and dedication to bringing out the best in others are strands woven throughout her career and are found in her work with Executive Velocity, a top talent and leadership development advisory firm.