Lessons in Leadership


From hiring the best, to developing and retaining your talent, read our latest to accelerate you and your team’s leadership potential.
5 Techniques to Increase Your Active Listening

5 Techniques to Increase Your Active Listening

Updated June 21, 2019 The other day I was facilitating a strategy meeting with a group of executives. During the meeting, I started to notice a familiar pattern of listening that you all have observed in the past. Of the 8 participants, two of them would ask questions...

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BMW’s Values Driven Leadership

BMW’s Values Driven Leadership

I recently had the opportunity to tour the BMW manufacturing plant in Spartansburg SC. It was quite an impressive operation with over 700 robots, and just in time and sequential inventory. However, what really impressed me was the leadership's commitment to their...

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Here’s What Really Motivates Your Employees (It’s Not What You Think)

Here’s What Really Motivates Your Employees (It’s Not What You Think)

Can you motivate others? Many leaders believe they can motivate their employees to behave in ways that will increase the success of a company. However, motivation of their employees comes from within an individual.

While leaders can provide a motivating environment, what are the critical success factors to transitioning your workplace to an intrinsically motivated organization?

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Is the Golden Rule Still Golden?

Is the Golden Rule Still Golden?

Leaders should be treating their employees based on the employee’s preference, not their own. Adaptive leadership, if effective, can have a positive impact on communications and decision making just to name a few.

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The Top 5 Leader/Manager Mistakes: Which Ones Are You Making?

What happens when leaders’ mistakes and shortfalls have an impact on the effectiveness and profitability of their organization? Take a look at these Top 5 Leadership Mistakes. Which ones would your team members say you make? Do you have a plan of action to develop a way of avoiding these mistakes in the future?

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Beth Armknecht Miller’s passion for learning and dedication to bringing out the best in others are strands woven throughout her career and are found in her work with Executive Velocity, a top talent and leadership development advisory firm.