Lessons in Leadership


From hiring the best, to developing and retaining your talent, read our latest to accelerate you and your team’s leadership potential.
The Annual Leadership Wrap-up

The Annual Leadership Wrap-up

As we wind down a very challenging year, I’m reminded of an annual ritual my Vistage members would complete to prepare them and their companies for the new year. While we may not want to reflect on the past year of 2020, being able to recognize both the successes and...

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Self-Reflect to Grow as a Leader

Self-Reflect to Grow as a Leader

I have always promoted self-reflection to the executives I’ve had the privilege to coach. In fact, journaling is integral to the learning process during the coaching process. “What worked? What didn’t work? Who have I impacted?” are some good questions to start with...

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Unwrapping and Managing Difficult Employees

Unwrapping and Managing Difficult Employees

This article was originally posted on Great Leadership by Dan on September 3, 2020 We’ve all been challenged with at least one difficult person at work. Why do they have to be so rude, dismissive, abrasive, etc.? Difficult employees aren’t the person who has a bad day...

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Retain Your Best by Developing Them

Retain Your Best by Developing Them

“The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.” Harvey S. Firestone With the workforce now comprised by a majority of Millennials and Gen Z, companies who are investing in training and development are retaining these younger employees...

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Matching Work environment with Job Candidates

Matching Work environment with Job Candidates

There are a lot of skilled people looking for their next opportunity, yet there will be a percentage of them that accept offers for new employment and then realize shortly into their employment that the job wasn’t what they expected. More importantly, the manager and...

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Beth Armknecht Miller’s passion for learning and dedication to bringing out the best in others are strands woven throughout her career and are found in her work with Executive Velocity, a top talent and leadership development advisory firm.