Diversity Difficulties

Diversity Difficulties

Every leader deals with conflict during their career.  The intensity of the conflicts will vary yet each one of them can cause decreased productivity in the very best of situations and in the worst, workplace violence. I have worked with many leaders and teams that...
Quick Tips to Create an Engaged Workforce

Quick Tips to Create an Engaged Workforce

Employee Engagement is a hot topic as the shortage of high performing talent increases.  A May 2011 study from McKinsey & Co. found that by 2018, the U.S. will face a shortage of 1.5 million managers who can use data to shape business decisions. And the shortage...
Employee Engagement-Must Reads

Employee Engagement-Must Reads

For those of you who are interested in learning more about employee engagement for your organization, I would personally recommend the following reading: “Drive” by Daniel Pink Rewards offer the best motivation for your team! Au contraire, says Daniel H....
MBWA: Key for Mining Diamonds

MBWA: Key for Mining Diamonds

One of my clients recently returned from the Baptist Leadership Conference and during his management meeting he was reporting back on his learnings from the conference and what he intended on implementing. As he ran down the list there was one technique that is so...
Feedback? Feedforward!

Feedback? Feedforward!

We’ve all been there.  An annual sit down with our boss who proceeds to give us feedback on what we have done right and wrong over the past months or worse years! It is an exercise that never brings positive results unless it is paired with feedforward. ...