Lessons in Leadership


From hiring the best, to developing and retaining your talent, read our latest to accelerate you and your team’s leadership potential.
From Regional Manager to Senior Director in Three Years

From Regional Manager to Senior Director in Three Years

Matt Inkmann was a regional sales manager at a stewardship and communications company. While he was effective in his role and viewed as the guy who made his job “look easy,” he struggled with imposter syndrome, managing a team of 10. He wanted to become a better, more...

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Creating Goals for Joint Success

Creating Goals for Joint Success

Do your employees have “sticky” goals? “Sticky” goals are ones that are difficult for employees to leave uncompleted because they are fully invested in the goal and are using skills and techniques daily to accomplish their goals. As a manager, one of the most...

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Anyone Can Be a Leadership Coach

Anyone Can Be a Leadership Coach

Did you know that anyone can be a leadership coach? That’s correct. You don’t have to be a manager or leader to be a coach. Coaching is about behaviors, not titles. With the right set of behaviors and techniques, you too can bring out the best in anyone. And believe...

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Before You Provide Feedback, Check This One Thing

Before You Provide Feedback, Check This One Thing

I’m a big fan of Kevin Eikenberry and his writings. A recent article he wrote on negative feedback was a great reminder on the timing of coaching and feedback. And the reminder is that emotions of both the deliverer and receiver are the underpinning of effective...

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Don’t Risk Losing Your “A” Players

Don’t Risk Losing Your “A” Players

One of the critical steps in Succession Planning is assessing your talent during a talent conversation, which I discuss in Chapter 8 of my book Replaceable, An Obsession with Succession. In a new Forbes article Critical Thinking About Critical Roles by Tonushree...

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Beth Armknecht Miller’s passion for learning and dedication to bringing out the best in others are strands woven throughout her career and are found in her work with Executive Velocity, a top talent and leadership development advisory firm.