Lessons in Leadership


From hiring the best, to developing and retaining your talent, read our latest to accelerate you and your team’s leadership potential.
Five Qualities Employees with High Potential Possess

Five Qualities Employees with High Potential Possess

*Originally published on OverdriveAs business leaders, it is important to be able to see and cultivate the employees who will be the future of the company—and direct its present course. These high potentials, as they are known, can be identified in a number of ways,...

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The Three Keys to Mastering Effective Communications

The Three Keys to Mastering Effective Communications

We all know that great communications skills are an important attribute for leadership success. With a variety of new methods of communication becoming available to deliver key messages – from webinars to email and so on – it’s critical to find the most appropriate...

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Why the Best Managers Conduct Self-Assessments

Why the Best Managers Conduct Self-Assessments

When you’re driving in your car, you check your mirrors before changing direction and speed. Self-assessment evaluations for managers are a little like the mirrors of a company and it’s leaders on the move.Self-assessment evaluations can be useful exercises for...

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Why Every Employee Needs a Vacation

Why Every Employee Needs a Vacation

Look around your workplace. Are there are a few people who could benefit from better energy  levels? (Am I hearing a resounding yes? Maybe you even recognize yourself!)Chances are these are also the people who rarely take time off. They are often dedicated and believe...

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Beth Armknecht Miller’s passion for learning and dedication to bringing out the best in others are strands woven throughout her career and are found in her work with Executive Velocity, a top talent and leadership development advisory firm.