Catching Great Performances

Catching Great Performances

It is every leader’s dream to have an entire team of high performers who have no place to go but up.  However before that is even plausible, you have to determine who possesses the necessary criteria to be great. One or two might stand out, but what about the...
Do Your Team Members Not Trust You-20 Ways to Tell

Do Your Team Members Not Trust You-20 Ways to Tell

Trust is one of three things—along with credibility and respect—that need to be established by leaders for teams to be successful. How can you (as the leader) tell if your team members are losing faith in you? People have defined trust in many ways. The Oxford English...
Internal Mobility of Talent

Internal Mobility of Talent

I want to shout out “STOP THE MADNESS”! Leaders who make the decision to promote a single contributor to a managerial position often are disappointed in the results, yet many don’t learn from their mistakes. So as a leader, you just had a position...