Post Pandemic Leadership Challenges

Post Pandemic Leadership Challenges

In my Hiring for Success workshop, one of the exercises is developing your company story, what makes your company different? Applicants need to feel a connection with their potential employer and stories are a good way to connect the story. In this article which talks...
5 Leadership Growth Tips

5 Leadership Growth Tips

Beth Armknecht Miller has successfully trained hundreds of leaders, developing their leadership skills in order to propel them forward in their careers. Beth takes her 10+ years of experience and reveals her Top 5 Leadership Growth Tips on The No Formula Podcast. Beth...
Improv Comedy for Virtual Meetings

Improv Comedy for Virtual Meetings

As our country starts to “open up”, one thing is for certain, virtual meetings are not going away. In fact, many companies have started to assess the need for office space or having everyone in the office, even after we get through this health crisis. There has been...