Successful Promotions Require Parachutes

Successful Promotions Require Parachutes

At least 50% of my coaching work is the result of a promotion gone bad. Why? Because companies haven’t spent the time to develop employees to take on future roles. While these mistakes keep me busy, they are costly to the organization and the individual who wasn’t...
Stop Treating Your Employees like Mushrooms

Stop Treating Your Employees like Mushrooms

Originally published in, April 22, 2016   Update   You’ve probably heard the expression “feeling like a mushroom,” which is to say feeling kept in the dark, left uninformed and fed a bunch of sh–. Think shiitake mushrooms. Now,...
Onboarding Virtual Employees

Onboarding Virtual Employees

While many companies have stopped hiring during the worldwide pandemic, there are still companies that continue to hire. Big companies like Amazon and Walmart are well known examples of companies that are hiring. There are also small to midsize companies who are in...