Lessons in Leadership


From hiring the best, to developing and retaining your talent, read our latest to accelerate you and your team’s leadership potential.
Onboarding: Start with StrengthFinders Assessment

Onboarding: Start with StrengthFinders Assessment

In a previous article on the onboarding of employees into your company, I stated that one of the main goals of onboarding, in addition to accelerating the training process and maximizing productivity, is connecting new hires with their colleagues. This is an ongoing...

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The Secret to Higher Retention and Performance

The Secret to Higher Retention and Performance

A recent Employee Engagement Survey by HR Solutions of Chicago revealed that employees were more engaged with their work when they felt: Supported by their manager when making suggestions to correct work place problems. Valued and recognized as an important part of...

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5 Leadership Questions to Ask Before Shifting Talent

5 Leadership Questions to Ask Before Shifting Talent

I was recently working with one of my Vistage members who was sharing some planned organizational changes with me. What he was proposing can often lead to a talent mismatch and often occurs within smaller companies. His plan was to move a manager of operations into a...

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Building Your Leadership Brand

Building Your Leadership Brand

During the course of my work with leaders, I find that so many of them get hung up on the “should and shouldn’ts” of leadership by comparing themselves with other leaders. Leaders, who feel the need to compare themselves with leaders held up in public as great...

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The Case for Employee Engagement

The Case for Employee Engagement

Although leaders understand that employee engagement is important, many don’t understand how important it is to the success of their organization. In 2009, Right Management published Employee Engagement, Maximizing Organizational Performance. Their study was a global...

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Three Ways to Build a Strong Global Team

Three Ways to Build a Strong Global Team

When managing a team, you know that there will be some very specific challenges that come up as people work in close proximity to each other. But what about when they don’t? Not all teams are in one office; some teams are global. Global teams come with needs of their...

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Beth Armknecht Miller’s passion for learning and dedication to bringing out the best in others are strands woven throughout her career and are found in her work with Executive Velocity, a top talent and leadership development advisory firm.