Lessons in Leadership


From hiring the best, to developing and retaining your talent, read our latest to accelerate you and your team’s leadership potential.
Hiring For Company Fit

Hiring For Company Fit

When it comes to hiring for an open position in your organization it is important to look at candidates from multiple vantage points.  The correct qualifications need to be there of course, but there are also some soft skills that need to be measured you look for and...

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3 Ways to Keep Entitlement Mentality Out of Your Company

3 Ways to Keep Entitlement Mentality Out of Your Company

The culture of entitlement is rampant in corporate America. Whether someone has been an executive for years and believes they just need to show up to get a bonus or if they are fresh out of college after being never allowed to fail in school. Either way, they’ve been...

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Handle Negative Employees with Ease: Do This, Not That

Handle Negative Employees with Ease: Do This, Not That

As a leader you should both praise the individual for good work as well as confront the employee who consistently displays behaviors not valued by the team.  The “negative employee” can be disruptive and impact a teams productivity.  What message are you sending to...

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Catching Great Performances

Catching Great Performances

It is every leader's dream to have an entire team of high performers who have no place to go but up.  However before that is even plausible, you have to determine who possesses the necessary criteria to be great. One or two might stand out, but what about the unsung...

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Do Your Team Members Not Trust You-20 Ways to Tell

Do Your Team Members Not Trust You-20 Ways to Tell

Trust is one of three things—along with credibility and respect—that need to be established by leaders for teams to be successful. How can you (as the leader) tell if your team members are losing faith in you? People have defined trust in many ways. The Oxford English...

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Beth Armknecht Miller’s passion for learning and dedication to bringing out the best in others are strands woven throughout her career and are found in her work with Executive Velocity, a top talent and leadership development advisory firm.